Friday, 7 August 2015

 Ending this blog ?

Hiya this isn't going to be a tutorial of anything. As the title states, i will be ending this blog. BUT i will be making an actual website. As more of you enter this lil blog of mine. i decided to make this a lil better for you guys out there. so...I will be making an actual website. The website hasn't been made yet, but  when it is I will put a link where all of you guys can see it. So..there is going to be a small lil break. So i hope you guys have a great day and will join me on my other website.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

How to be happy

Hiya everyone !!! So for today's blog post i am going to show you how you can be happier. There is nothing wrong with being too happy and yes once in a while some days can be dark and lonely or sad, but everyone has those sorts of days. What we want to do is limit those amount of days so that each minute of your life that will be on earth will have a more happy and energetic vibe/power.
So let's get started :D

Step 1:
Do the things that make you happy.
Whether it is singing really badly, painting enthusiastically, being in a play, exercising, dancing around like nobody aint watching etc. There are many many things people enjoy doing. If you don't know what makes you happy try out new things, (unless it involves you hurting someone or something, doing something illegal, or regretting it later) ;) I personally love painting, making people laugh, and surprising my friends. Yes that is Jared from supernatural dancing>>
If you can't think of any hobbies you have, then start something new you have always wanted to pursue...hey THAT RHYMED. If you can't think of anything then this is list of some stuff that can inspire you  ^-^

Step 3:

Make your favorite food XD
Everybody loves food and if you're on a diet you can swap any fatty ingredients that are high in fat or sugar, to different ingredients. For example my favorite food is generally cakes or cupcakes and even though i'm not on a diet if i was making cupcakes or cakes for my friends who was on a diet, i would either use less white sugar/brown sugar or i could use a substitute sweetener like stevia or something like honey. 

Here are some amazing healthy recipes from pinterest.

Be an optimist:

Being a pessimist can effect you emotionally just from the thinking the worst is to come after every situation. Seeing only the negative aspects of any situation can cause you to miss opportunities, and fail to take action that would otherwise improve your relationships and quality of life.
1.)Let go of your assumption that the world is against you
2.)Your past does not equal the future
3.)See yourself as a cause, not an effect
4.)Tell yourself positive outlets about everything around you

Image result for optimistic tumblr

Suicide is not an option: 

If you have your mind set on suicide, wipe that out of your mind.
Imagine it this way, you are a car driving along a bumpy road, a road filled with gravel and pot holes. As you are bumping along the road, the other cars that are driving away from you is scratching your beloved doors. After a while on being on the road, you find that you have just driven into a whole group of flies, this species of flies is called 'suicide'...So what do you do? you try and wipe them off the screen with  your windshield wipers, but you see the thing with these sorts of flies is that they are very stubborn, so you keep trying and trying until u have ran out of water to spray on your screen. And you think to yourself. How? How can i keep going if i can barely see the road...well you keep using your windshield wipers and eventually once it has all gone. You can now go on and reach your paradise. To make sure you see your paradise you need to be there living, breathing healthily and happily.
Now i will admit that that "deep and sentimental" paragraph i have just written is pretty crap, but i need you to understand that you shouldn't listen to all the douchebags and the fuckboys out there right now, and i shall give you a good tip you should alwayse remeber if you are going through this. The biggest revenge you can bestow upon them, is staying alive *disco ball lowers from singing, beegees pop up and start singing*

Image result for happy tumblr

I hope you enjoyed this post and it helped you feel happier and bubblier
Byeee, talk to you guys next time xxxx